Benefits of vitamin B12 5000 mcg for your brain & cognitive function

Benefits of vitamin B12 5000 mcg for your brain & cognitive function

Table of Contents

    How vitamin B12 5000 mcg benefits your brain

    • Vitamin B12 increases increases your energy and alertness level which translates into better brain performance. When we feel lethargic, it is an indication that our brain is not working the way it should. Also, the proper functioning of the brain depends on the alertness of the mind which is not possible without sound health. Vitamin B12 5000 mcg is an important supplement to one’s diet which ensures better brain power by improving the body’s overall health. 
    • Attention span and concentration is very much dependent on proper brain functioning. Vitamin B12 supplements improve your concentration level allowing you to focus for a longer period. Such B12 supplements can also improve your sleep quality and reduce stress.
    • Vitamin B12 supplements can lower the level of homocysteine, an amino acid; the increased levels of which are linked to heart diseases and heart failure. When someone suffers from heart disease, the brain is also affected. Thus, vitamin B12 5000 mcg can help you maintain brain health and at the same time reduce your risk of contracting heart disease.
    •  Prolonged B12 deficiency can lead to cognitive problems and brain shrinkage. To prevent this from happening, take B12 supplements according to the suggestion of your physician. Also, if you take B12 supplements, you may avoid having to take some medicines which are known to cause serious side-effects. 
    • Vitamin B12 works well for increasing the retention power of the brain. So, people who are suffering from memory-related problems should consider taking B12 supplements regularly. It is vital for everyone to include foods that are rich in vitamin B12 in their daily diet. But for all those who, for some reason, cannot consume foods that are rich in this vitamin, theVitamin B12 5000 mcg, supplement will be the best choice.

    All nutritional and dietary supplements are intended for special use and it is always important to consult with your doctor before using them. We, at Methyl-Life®, offer these supplements to help people obtain a better quality of life. Try us out. You can be assured of the quality and the excellent price we offer.

    We all experience a little brain fog or fatigue every now and then. Sometimes this is due to a lack of sleep. Sometimes it’s stress. And sometimes, you can’t quite put your finger on it.


    The occasional “slow day” is fairly normal, although inconvenient. However, if you’re constantly battling sluggish brain function or forgetfulness, it could be a sign that something in your diet is amiss. After all, our fast-paced way of life means we don’t always have the time - or the willpower - to make the best choices about food.

    One of the greatest ironies of modern Western society is that more and more adults are suffering from nutritional deficiencies. These are referred to as “micronutrient deficiencies”, in which the body lacks the small but significant amounts of essential vitamins and minerals required for proper growth and development.

    Histamine also has a few other important functions in the bowel and is also known to act as a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger). It’s also involved in the secretion of gastric acid, inflammation, and the regulation of vasodilation and bronchoconstriction.

    While micronutrient deficiencies are largely due to poor diet, another major cause is malabsorption. However, many adults are totally unaware that they suffer from malabsorption - or even nutrient deficiencies - until they begin to suffer from numerous health issues. 

    One of the most common deficiencies faced by adults today is vitamin B12. Absorption declines rapidly with age, and it’s been found that about one in five older adults are deficient in B12. 

    Why is this important? You may be surprised to learn that Vitamin B12 is one of the most important nutrients for healthy brain function. Brain fog, forgetfulness, and cognitive decline have all been linked to suboptimal levels of this vitamin.


    We here at Methyl-Life® are experts in the value of B12 and the many factors involved in its proper uptake and absorption. This article will discuss exactly what you need to know to improve your own B12 levels for better brain function, and sublingual B12 5000 mcg benefits.

    What are the B vitamins?

    We humans need a total of 13 vitamins every day in order to function properly. These include four fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and nine water-soluble vitamins, which comprise vitamin C and the eight B vitamins, which are referred to the vitamin B complex. This includes thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin B6, folate (B9) and vitamin B12.

    While the B vitamins are chemically distinct from one another, they are often found in the same foods and share many cellular coenzyme functions.

    The most important function of the B complex is its role in the catabolic process of generating energy within cells. Deficiency in any one of the B vitamins can have severe consequences for energy levels. 

    Of all the B vitamins, the active forms of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid are particularly important as coenzymes in cellular energy production.

    Thiamine, biotin and vitamin B12 also have special roles in the mitochondrial metabolism of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids, which are vital components of the citric acid cycle. Together, they help your body break down glucose (blood sugar) and create energy in the form of ATP molecules. Without ATP, your heart, brain, and other crucial organs would not be able to function. 

    What is Vitamin B12?

    B12 is not like the other Bs - for several reasons.

    Vitamin B12 is the only B vitamin that is not synthesized by plants. In the plant, the other eight B vitamins perform the same cellular functions as they do in the animals that consume them.

    Vitamin B12 is referred to as cobalamin because it’s the only known vitamin that has the form of the metal “cobalt” and still reacts with humans, plants, and animals. The cobalt gives Vitamin B12 its natural red color. 

    B12, however, is synthesized by bacteria and is usually derived from animal sources. Synthesis takes place in the gut of ruminant animals. Ruminants acquire vitamin B12, through a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria present in their stomachs.

    B12 is bound to the protein in food. In humans, absorption of vitamin B12 requires the presence of the intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein synthesized by the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach releases B12 from protein during digestion, where it then combines with intrinsic factor.

    A lack of intrinsic factor means impaired uptake of vitamin B12, which can result in a B12 deficiency.

    Signs of B12 deficiency

    Signs that your body is low or deficient in vitamin B12 can include:

    • Extreme and/or ongoing fatigue
    • Lack of energy
    • Poor appetite
    • Feeling dizzy or faint
    • Headaches
    • Numbness or tingling in the limbs
    • Dermatitis
    • Ringing in the ears
    • Feeling out of breath
    • Confusion or brain fog
    • Anxiety and/or paranoia
    • Pale or yellowed skin

    Causes of B12 deficiency

    Deficiency in B12 is a major cause of fatigue and low red blood cell production. More importantly, however, low B12 is also associated with neurological symptoms such as mood disorders, anxiety, and/or nerve pain. Research has shown a fundamental link between low B12, folate, and major depression. 

    Vitamin B12 deficiency has 4 primary causes:

    Lack of intrinsic factor

    In many cases, some people simply don't produce enough intrinsic factor.Pernicious anemia may result from an autoimmune condition in which the body produces antibodies to intrinsic factor . These antibodies bind to and inhibit the effects of intrinsic factor, preventing the absorption of B12 in the ileum (small intestine). B12 deficiency due to pernicious anemia is more common in people of Northern European ancestry.


    Because intrinsic factor is produced by the parietal cells in the stomach, any damage to the terminal ileum (caused by inflammatory bowel disease, Celiac disease or infection) can impair the absorption of B12 and lead to a deficiency. 

    Dietary Insufficiency

    Excess vitamin B12 is stored in the liver. However, people who eat a strict vegan diet for approximately three years may develop a B12 deficiency due to lack of dietary intake.

    Genetic Factors

    MTR and MTRR variants are genetic SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) which may significantly impact the conversion and absorption of B12 in the body.

    Types of Anemia

    B12 deficiency anemia means your body does not have enough healthy red blood cells, which in turn means your organs and tissues are not being supplied with the oxygen they need to function properly. This can lead to a number of serious health problems, namely anemia. Anemia is a condition where the body either cannot make enough healthy red blood cells or cannot produce enough hemoglobin, a substance which allows red blood cells to transport oxygen around the body.

    There are several different types of anemia, each with different causes and symptoms. 

    1. Pernicious anemia is a condition in which the blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells due to a lack of B12. This means red blood cells do not divide normally and are too large, and they may have trouble getting out of the bone marrow. Low red blood cell count means oxygen is not carried around the body, resulting in fatigue and weakness. Chronic pernicious anemia can damage the heart, brain, and other organs in the body. It can also lead to nerve damage and neurological problems such as memory loss.
    2. In megaloblastic anemia, the blood cells become very large and oval-shaped. These enlarged red blood cells are unable to divide normally and may have trouble getting out of the bone marrow where they are made. Megaloblastic anemia can lead to impaired brain function and elevated homocysteine levels. Elevated homocysteine is itself a risk factor for many other serious conditions of the heart and neurological system. It has been linked to chronic health issues such as heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease, to name a few.

    Prevalence of B12 deficiencies

    Population studies suggest that among patients with anemia, around 1-2% are due to B12 deficiency. Among patients with clinical macrocytosis, 18-20% may be due to B12 deficiency. 

    Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common in the elderly, vegans, and vegetarians. However, even meat-eaters may be unable to absorb sufficient nutrients or have other health issues that interfere with their body’s ability to manufacture the vitamin efficiently, such as those who have MTR and MTRR gene mutations. MTHFR mutations impact the body’s ability to use vitamin B12 due to the way in which the mutation reduces the amount of active folate being produced in the body. B12 requires the active form of folate in order to be absorbed. 

    If not treated in its early stages, a B12 deficiency can have severe consequences for the brain and cognitive function. 

    The first step in managing B12 deficiency is to ascertain its cause so that it can be treated effectively. This may require consultation with a variety of health practitioners. 

    How to improve your levels of B12

    Supplementation with a highly bioavailable form of vitamin B12 5000 mcg is the most efficient way to ensure optimal levels. This is particularly important for vegans/vegetarians, the elderly, and anyone who is unable to absorb B12 efficiently.  We recommend Methyl-Life®'s Active B12 Complete which has all 3 active B12 forms and is fully-bioavailable. 

    In the case of an MTHFR gene mutation (which can be detected through testing) supplementation with methyl folate is also crucial. 

    What to look for when choosing a B12 supplement

    There is a huge range of B12 supplements available on the market today, but not all of them are effective. B12’s complex metabolic pathway means that the only way to ensure proper uptake is by taking the most bioactive form of the vitamin.  

    For a start, B12 is best absorbed sublingually via the mucous membranes in the mouth. This means your supplement should be in the form of spray or tablets that are placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve.  

    More important is the form of the vitamin. For optimal absorption, supplementary B12 should be in a form that requires minimal breakdown. 

    Most B12 supplements are available in two primary forms: methylcobalamin or cyanocobalamin. The less well-known types of B12 include Hydroxocobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin. There are vast differences between all of these forms. 


    Methylcobalamin is the best-absorbed form of supplemental B12 in the body because it is bioactive. Bioactive simply means that the B12 has already been converted into a form that can be absorbed and used by the body’s cells immediately. Methylcobalamin requires little to no conversion and crosses easily through every part of B12’s metabolic pathway. The chemical structure of methylcobalamin has a methyl group, which consists of a hydrogen and oxygen molecule. It’s this methyl group that makes it the most active form of Vitamin B12 in the body. It’s also the most common form of B12 found in animal-derived sources. Methylcobalamin helps in synthesis of methionine and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe). It is also required to maintain integrity of myelin, neuronal function, proper red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis. It may also help in lowering homocysteine levels and reducing the risk of anemia.


    Cyanocobalamin is a synthetic (man-made) form of B12 often used in supplements because it’s the most cost-effective. When ingested, cyanocobalamin is first converted into hydroxocobalamin and then undergoes conversion to become both methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, the two active forms of vitamin B12.While methylcobalamin contains a methyl group, cyanocobalamin contains a cyanide molecule. Although generally perceived as safe, this synthetic form is much more difficult for the body to absorb due to its complex breakdown process. The genetic variants can add further barriers to cellular absorption.


    Hydroxocobalamin is a more rare but also biologically active form of B12. It’s a precursor to methylcobalamin and often recommended in conditions where B12 cannot be properly absorbed in the gut.

    Hydroxocobalamin is essential for DNA replication and synthesis, proper function of the nervous system, cellular energy, as well the conversion of homocysteine into methionine. It’s known to help with brain fog, pernicious anemia and for “mopping up” excess peroxynitrites. It’s also known to be the most well-tolerated form of active B12.


    Adenosylcobalamin is the form of B12 stored in the mitochondria and selected when your body requires a biologically active form of vitamin B12 to support the Krebs cycle and cellular energy production. Adenosylcobalamin helps in muscle recovery, myelin sheath integrity, and reduces the risk of anemia.

    As with methylcobalamin and hydroxocobalamin, adenosylcobalamin does not need to be converted by your genes or enzymes in order to be available for use. It’s also known as a scavenger that helps to clear out extra nitrous oxide and peroxynitrite in the body and convert it back into methionine.

    Best B12 supplements

    Methyl-Life® B12 Complete - 3 months supply - 90 chewable tablets

    (consider for Parkinson’s, anemia, fatigue, & B12 deficiencies)

    Active Ingredients:

    • Vitamin B12 5000 mcg total
    • (as Methylcobalamin) 2,500 mcg
    • (as Hydroxocobalamin)1,250 mcg
    • (as Adenosylcobalamin) 1,250 mcg

    Methy-Life® B12 Complete is ideal for people who have MTR, MTRR, COMT, or other gene mutations that may be affecting B12 absorption. B12 Complete contains a combination of the most bioactive forms of B12 for maximum delivery and absorption. The B12s within this supplement have already been converted into forms that can be absorbed and used by the body’s cells immediately. This is a full-spectrum B12 product.

    Those with MTHFR are also often found to be low in B12 as well as folate. These are key nutrients for those with genetic challenges.

    Is 5000 mcg of B12 too much?

    A dosage of 5000 mcg of Vitamin B12 has been deemed a safe dosing amount. In fact, it is often recommended for those who have a health condition that affects their B12 absorption. Consultation with a qualified health professional is always recommended. 

    How much is too much B12?

    The recommended daily amount of vitamin B12 for adults is 2.4 micrograms. However, because your body will only absorb as much as it needs, vitamin B12 supplements are considered safe at high doses. Any excess will be flushed out in your urine. 

    A health practitioner will help you to determine the appropriate level of dosage for your needs.

    Health benefits of vitamin B12 dosage 5000 mcg:

    Healthy red blood cell formation for energy and alertness

    Vitamin B12 works closely with vitamin B9 (also called folate) to help make red blood cells which are required for carrying oxygen to all parts of your body.

    B12 plays an important role in energy metabolism and is often promoted as an energy enhancer and an athletic performance and endurance booster. This is in part due to its ability to correct megaloblastic anemia (caused by B12 deficiency) which reduces the associated symptoms of fatigue and weakness.

    Preventing loss of neurons

    B12 is essential for the proper functioning and development of the brain and nerve cells. It plays an important role in the maintenance of the myelin sheaths that cover and protect the nerves of the central and the peripheral nervous system. This covering ensures fast and effective nerve-impulse transmission.

    Vitamin B12 is crucial for the synthesis and maintenance of myelin. Damage to the myelin sheath caused by B12 deficiency typical results in neurological problems later in life. 

    Vitamin B12 acts as a cofactor in a very important step of the one-carbon pathway: the synthesis of methionine. Methionine is an amino acid that donates the methyl groups required for methylation reactions (biochemical reactions that are essential for the synthesis of the above-mentioned substances) to occur. Without methionine, myelin and neurotransmitters that are needed for neurological development, maintenance, and functions, cannot be produced.

    Methionine is synthesized from homocysteine, which has been linked to many neurodegenerative diseases. A high level of homocysteine can lead to brain damage and poor cognitive function. The synthesis of methionine thus prevents the accumulation of this harmful amino acid in the brain.

    Cobalamin is also required for the proper conversion of methylmalonyl-CoA into succinyl CoA. If this reaction does not occur, methylmalonyl-CoA will instead be converted to methylmalonic acid (MMA), which can destabilize the myelin sheath. Excess MMA leads to the synthesis of abnormal fatty acids and a weak myelin sheath. Subsequently, abnormal myelination or demyelination occurs. The result is severe central and peripheral nervous system dysfunction.

    Reducing homocysteine levels in your blood

    Homocysteine is an amino acid that is an intermediate in the production of two other amino acids, methionine and cysteine. Although homocysteine is naturally present in our bodies, elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including venous thrombosis, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

    B12 works alongside folate and vitamin B6 to maintain normal concentrations of homocysteine. When taken alongside folate, B12 helps to lower homocysteine levels more significantly than taking folate alone.

    Preventing and/or treating Parkinson’s Disease

    Recent research published in the journal Cell Research has revealed that Adenosylcobalamin (an active form of B12) acts as an inhibitor of the kinase activity of LRRK2 in cultured cells and brain tissue. Variants of the LRRK2 gene are associated with an increased risk of Parkinson's disease and also Crohn's disease. Animal studies have shown adenosylcobalamin can significantly prevent the neurotoxicity of the LRRK2 variants associated with Parkinson's disease. 

    Researchers have concluded B12 supplementation could become a new means of therapy for those who combat hereditary Parkinson's associated with pathogenic variants of the LRRK2 enzyme.

    Supporting mood/reducing symptoms of depression

    Serum levels of vitamin B12 play an important role in cognitive and mental health. Studies suggest that up to 30% of patients hospitalized for depression are deficient in B12.

    Sufficient vitamin B12 is required for methylation, which is necessary for the production of serotonin as well as other monoamine neurotransmitters and catecholamines. Research has also shown that high serum levels of homocysteine and low serum levels of B12 are associated with poor cognitive function, cognitive decline and dementia. Folate and B12 work together to produce S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), a compound involved in immune function and mood.

    Recent studies have shown that B12 supplementation could play an important role in the treatment of mood disorders. A study published in the Open Neurology Journal found significant improvement in depressive symptoms following a combination of SSRI and vitamin B12 therapy.

    Numerous studies of depressive patients have shown both low folate and low vitamin B12 status, and there is an established link between depression and low levels of these two vitamins in the general population.

    Improving sleep quality

    Several studies have demonstrated that B12 is involved in regulating sleep-wake cycles by helping to keep circadian rhythms in sync. Some studies also show a connection between low Vitamin B12 and insomnia.

    Higher levels of Vitamin B12 have been associated with reduced risk of depression, which in turn are a significant underlying factor for disrupted sleep-wake cycles. 

    Those with depression are often unable to sleep on a routine schedule. It may be that Vitamin B12 is specifically useful for people with sleep-wake disruptions, including in people who also have symptoms of depression. 

    Supporting memory function

    Low B12 concentrations are associated with poor memory performance, memory loss, disorientation, and dementia with or without mood changes.

    These neurological symptoms are often caused by damage to the myelin sheath covering cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves, which is linked to B12 deficiency. 


    Vitamin B12 is one of the most important nutrients for optimal functioning of the body and mind. The consequences of chronic B12 deficiency can impact severely on quality of life, particularly cognitive function. 

    The best way to ensure optimal uptake and absorption of B12 - and maintain healthy levels in the body - is to take a quality supplement that includes a bioactive form or forms of the vitamin. Those at risk of deficiency (whether due to diet, health conditions, or genetic enzyme deficiencies) should first seek advice on how many mcg of B12 they may require per day, and then choose a quality, full-spectrum supplement providing vitamin B12 5000 mcg in a bioactive form - such as Methyl-Life’s® Complete B12. 

    Benefits of vitamin B12 5000 mcg for your brain & cognitive function

    Vitamins are essential for our brain to function normally. Each type of vitamin directly or indirectly contributes to the development of the human brain. Experts from all over the world consider vitamin B12 as the food for the brain. Lack of B12 may lead to anemia and cause damage to nerves in the brain. Also, a lack of this vitamin will cause blood disorders and weaken the heart. Because of this, we need to maintain the right amount of B12 in our bodies. Vitamin B12 5000 mcg supplements are an evolving area of interest for doctors and researchers. It’s worth learning more about the benefits we gain from this supplement:

    Product Recommendations

    Methylcobalamin B12 Complete - Vitamin B12 5000 mcg

    Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (12)


    • All 3 Bioactive Forms of B12 for Full-Spectrum Absorption
    • Methylcobalamin B12, Hydroxy B12 & Adenosylcobalamin
    • 3rd-Party Tested for Purity, Potency & Safety
    • 90 Vegan, Non-GMO, Chewable Mint Tablets

    Product Recommendations

    Methylated B12 3.75mg + L-Methylfolate 3mg as Methyl-Life®'s B-Methylated-II

    Rating: 4.965517241 out of 5 (29)


    • Bioactive L-Methylfolate 3 Mg & Methylated B12
    • Great for Bypassing MTHFR Mutations
    • 3rd-Party Tested for Purity, Potency & Safety
    • 90 Vegan, Non-GMO, Chewable Mint Tablets

    Product Recommendations

    L Methylfolate 7.5 mg + Vitamin B12 Tablets

    Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (8)


    • Therapeutic, Professional Strength L Methylfolate
    • Bioactive, Sublingual Vitamin B12 Tablets
    • 3rd-Party Tested for Purity, Potency & Safety
    • 90 Vegan, Non-GMO, Chewable Mint Tablets


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    Katie Stone - Naturopath

    About the Author

    Katie is a qualified Naturopath (BNatMed) and freelance writer from New Zealand. She specializes in all things health and wellness, particularly dietary supplements and nutrition. Katie is also a dedicated runner and has completed more half-marathons than she can count!