What is Cerebrofolate™?
Cerebrofolate™ is a patented form of L-methylfolate (active vitamin B9) that is easily absorbed by the body. Cerebrofolate™ has been tested as the most bioavailable and therapeutic source of L-methylfolate available without a prescription.
Methyl-Life® is reformulating their entire L-methylfolate range using Cerebrofolate™. The Methyl-Life® range includes products designed to support methylation, DNA synthesis and repair, amino acid maintenance, antioxidant generation, and mood.

Superior Absorption
Cerebrofolate™ is metabolically active. It requires no further conversion in the body. Unlike folic acid, Cerebrofolate™ bypasses folate metabolism and is immediately available for numerous biological processes.
Approved for MTHFR
An estimated 40% of the world’s population are unable to metabolize folic acid due to a mutation on the MTHFR gene. This gene instructs the body to create the MTHFR enzyme, which is required to metabolize folic acid.
Zero Risk of UMFA
Ingesting >200 mcg folic acid from supplements and/or fortified foods can lead to a buildup of unmetabolized folic acid (UMFA) in the body. UMFA has been associated with numerous health concerns, including masking a B12 deficiency, impaired immune function, and an increased risk of cancer. (2)Benefits of Cerebrofolate™

May Reduce Neural Tube Defects
Supplemental methylfolate is recommended over folic acid during pregnancy due to its superior absorption and reduced risk of UMFA. Methylfolate can effectively improve folate biomarkers during pregnancy to prevent Neural Tube Defects.(3)

Supports Healthy Mood
Low levels of active folate are associated with treatment-resistant depression(TRD). Clinical studies indicate that L-5-MTHF Calcium 15mg can enhance antidepressant response in those with TRD as well as supporting healthy mood.(4)

Supports Brain Health
L-5-MTHF is the only folate form that can cross the blood brain barrier to support brain health naturally. L-methylfolate is essential in the brain for making neurotransmitters and DNA.

Supports Cardiovascular Health
Homocysteine is an amino acid that can severely impact cardiovascular health. Elevated homocysteine occurs when the body is unable to convert homocysteine to methionine. This is triggered by genetic mutations or insufficient body stores of active vitamins B6, B12, and folate, causing vasoconstriction in the central nervous system(5). Chronically elevated homocysteine is associated with numerous major medical conditions, including heart disease, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.(6)Cerebrofolate™ is a stabilized crystalline molecule type form of L-5-MTHF Calcium. It will retain its stability for up to 2 years when stored at room temperature.
There are a few different types of L-methylfolate, and each type varies in terms of its method of delivery and uptake. It’s important to understand these variations when looking for an L-methylfolate supplement.
The most bioavailable forms of methylfolate are the “L” or “(6S)” forms: L-Methylfolate, L-5-MTHF, L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, (6S)-L-MTHF, and (6S)-L-Methyltetrahydrofolate. These forms are chemically identical to those used by the human body, and are able to be used immediately.
The forms that are less biologically active are the “D” or “(6R)” forms: D-5-MTHF or D-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, (6R)-5-MTHF, (6R)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate. Folic acid is the least bioavailable form of folate.
Cerebrofolate™ has been clinically tested as the most effective methylfolate because it is a crystalline (Type I) calcium salt form made up of 80% “free methylfolate”. This means that taking just 1 mg of Cerebrofolate provides 0.80 mg of fully absorbable L-methylfolate. By comparison, L-5-MTHF glucosamine salt isapproximately 52% “free methylfolate”.
In addition, Cerebrofolate™ is produced in a cGMP facility which is FDA-registered and audited, FSSC22000, kosher, halal, and ISO9001 certified. FSSC22000 represents the highest level of quality and certification for ingredients used in dietary supplements. And, while most companies employ skip-batch testing (testing once every determined number of batches), every single batch of Cerebrofolate™ is tested for impurities, heavy metals, potency and purity.
Unsurprisingly, Cerebrofolate™ has been shown to retain its stability for well over two years when stored at room temperature.
Compare Cerebrofolate™
to Other L-5-MTFH Calcium Methylfolates
L-5-MTHF calcium supplements are available in two forms:

Unstable amorphous type

Stabilized crystalline
(key for maintaining stability and ensuring potency over time)
Cerebrofolate™ quality control is superior
to other L-5-MTHF calcium supplements in several ways.

Minimal solvents

No risk of contamination

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8961567/
[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23482308/
[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3869616/
[5] https://academic.oup.com/ajh/article/35/4/303/6475983
[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6491750/