How is MTHFR Treated | What Is The Correct Sequence of Supplements to Treat MTHFR

How is MTHFR Treated | What Is The Correct Sequence of Supplements to Treat MTHFR

How is MTHFR Treated | What Is The Correct Sequence of Supplements to Treat MTHFR Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex How do I treat my MTHFR genetic mutation? There are some simple things you can do and then there are some more involved steps you might want to take. You may have heard there’s a lot to it, but if you just take care to do one thing at a time, it’s not that overwhelming. Try to remember this is your life and so it’s about the quality of lifestyle you want to cultivate, and that’s what will be most valuable...

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SHOULD I GET TESTED FOR MTHFR? Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex So, you’ve heard about MTHFR variants. How? A friend? A magazine? A website? Or do you have chronic, unexplained health issues, and you’re wondering if it’s been a methylation problem all along? As MTHFR experts, we’re willing to admit that, with the number of health problems that have been linked to MTHFR mutations and variants, even a generally healthy person could start thinking, “Geez. Maybe I have an MTHFR issue…” after getting into the reading for a while. Because even generally healthy people at least occasionally experience these: Weakened immune...

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Do We REALLY Need to Test for MTHFR Variants?

Do We REALLY Need to Test for MTHFR Variants?

Do We REALLY Need to Test for MTHFR Variants? Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex The MTHFR gene plays an essential role in processing amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Throughout history, not much was known about this gene and whether or not we should be concerned about it.  It was just a few decades ago that the first MTHFR variants were discovered (also referred to as mutations or defects), which led to an increase in research surrounding the gene. Ever since then, we’ve learned a lot about the potential dangers associated with complications to your MTHFR gene. Every...

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Methylation: Why all the hype?

Methylation: Why all the hype?

Methylation: Why all the hype? Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex For entire companies to be based on methylation and products that specifically are marketed as being methylated, it must be a big deal. For such a simple process--just the transfer of one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms (CH3) from one substance to another--methylation influences a whole host of bodily activities. From cardiovascular function to eye health, the body’s ability to methylate is far more important than most people realize; in fact, until it’s not going well, methylation is a mostly unknown phenomena. So many systems, so many processes; the human...

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MTHFR Gene Mutation for Beginners

MTHFR Gene Mutation for Beginners

MTHFR Gene Mutation for Beginners Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex There are over 20,000 genes made of DNA in the human body and they are each essential to defining who you are as a unique individual. One of the thousands of genes in our body is called the MTHFR gene, which has turned a lot of heads recently.  The MTHFR gene is responsible for helping produce methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), an enzyme that plays a vital role in turning folic acid (Vitamin B9) into methylfolate, the form your cells use directly. Methylfolate is the most active form of folate or Vitamin B9...

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