Understanding Vitamin B Deficiency

Understanding Vitamin B Deficiency Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex There are 8 different types of Vitamin B and each one is needed to maintain your health and keep you feeling good. Types of vitamin B include Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2) Niacin (B3) B5, B6, Biotin (B7) Folate (B9) and B12. Vitamin B comes from a variety of sources including meat, fruits and vegetables. Eating balanced meals is essential to getting all of the B complex vitamins you need. There are some medical conditions that can take their toll if you are deficient in one or more of these B vitamins. Symptoms...

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Folic Acid Deficiency – Causes and Prevention

Folic Acid Deficiency – Causes and Prevention

Folic Acid Deficiency – Causes and Prevention Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex Folic acid deficiency is a situation whereby the folic acid levels in the body become very low. Folic acid is a type of B vitamin that helps to repair the DNA of the body. (1)(2) Also, it helps in the production of red blood cells (RBCs). When the folic acid level in one’s diet is low, that person can end up with folic acid deficiency. To get enough folic acid for the optimal functioning of your body, certain foods that are good sources of folate are recommended. Such foods...

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Can Super B complex help you Lose Weight?

Can Super B complex help you Lose Weight?

Can Super B complex help you Lose Weight? Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex Losing weight appears to be one of the most common problems in today’s society. There is no magic pill that can help you solve this problem. Changing your diet completely and adopting a healthy lifestyle is hard and takes a long time, but it is well worth it. The good news is that you can speed up the process in several ways. One is taking a super B complex. The vitamin B complex is comprised of eight vitamins, and each one of these is needed by your body:...

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Can vitamin B Deficiency affect your Mental Health?

Can vitamin B Deficiency affect your Mental Health? Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex Vitamin B performs a number of important functions in the body, such as making nerves, DNA, and red blood cells to name a few. The problem here is that this particular vitamin is not made by your body, which means you are in charge of making sure that you get enough each day to allow these vital functions to be properly carried out. Given the unhealthy eating habits that so many people engage in today, it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise to learn that vitamin B...

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Signs of Vitamin B Deficiency

Signs of Vitamin B Deficiency

Signs of Vitamin B Deficiency Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex The symptoms associated with low vitamin B12 levels are vast and can be more serious than many others. They can include weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, elevated heart and respiration rates, fatigue, unusual bleeding or bruising, overall weakness, anemia, clammy skin, and a dizzy feeling. As the deficiency gets worse, nerve damage in the arms and legs can occur with associated troubles in walking or moving. Cognitive issues, loss of memory and dementia are mental symptoms of extreme lack of B12. If this severe deficiency occurs during childhood age, damage to the...

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