MTHFR Genotyping and Treatment

MTHFR Genotyping and Treatment

Are your genes preventing appropriate methylation? Insufficient methylation could possibly be the reason for migraines, strokes, depression, heart attacks, miscarriages, infertility, cancer, birth defects, and autism. In people who have diabetes, symptoms of diabetic neuropathy can worsen or make treatment regimens successful.  


Methylation is a chemical reaction occurring in every tissue and cell of the human body. Methylation is the process of adding methyl groups to a molecule. Since methyl groups are chemically inactive, including them to a protein (the process of methylation) transforms how that protein reacts to other materials in the entire body, therefore changing how that protein acts. Genes, hormones and enzymes are proteins and the process of methylation changes them all.

MTHFR and Methylation

MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) is an enzyme, which turns folic acid into a form that our bodies can utilize. This is an integral enzyme in a significant detoxification reaction within body-it converts’ homocysteine to methionine. When this enzyme is marred, this detoxification reaction is marred as well, resulting in blood levels with high homocysteine. Homocysteine is quite abrasive to the blood vessels, basically scraping at them, which brings about the damage that causes dementia, stroke, heart attacks as well as a number of other issues.

Also, when the enzyme MTHFR is impaired, other methylation reactions are endangered. A few of these methylation reactions influence neurotransmitters, and that is the reason why the reduced MTHFR process is linked with depression. The inefficiency of the MTHFR enzyme is, in addition, linked to autism, migraines, fertility, cancer and birth defects, all which depend on proper methylation.

What’s the MTHFR gene?

There’s a gene called the MTHFR gene that essentially controls how properly this enzyme works. 51% of the people have a least one variant MTHFR gene.

More still, if the MTHFR enzyme is not efficient, one can compensate for the inability to methylate effectively since this biological process of your body depends on the super B complex vitamins. You may just want more B vitamins than someone with no variant copy of the gene, for example, vitamin B12, B6, as well as the active folate. Other methyl donors like trimethylglycine and SAMEe could also supply advantages. It is necessary that you track your homocysteine level too, for those who have a faulty copy of the MTHFR gene. The good news, however, is that lowering homocysteine may often be done with the nutrient supplements.

MTHFR Treatment

The treatment of MTHFR includes removing folic acid from your diet, and the use of a vital nutrient, Methylfolate. If a person has an MTHFR defect, it interferes with the ability of the folate to be accessible and used for its many significant functions in the body. Methylfolate helps our bodies create glutathione, which detoxes our system from things like heavy metals, environmental toxins, plastics (BPAs and phthalates) and more. L – Methyl folate works to lessen homocysteine within the entire body, which when high can wreak havoc on the cardiovascular system.

By discovering what copies of the MTHFR gene you’ve, you are given the power to compensate appropriately. The old paradigm that we’re just at the mercy of our genes is challenged. Genetic testing enables you to actually take control, introducing you into a brand new era of somewhat personalized health care.



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