Autism Caregivers, Don’t Forget About YOU.

Autism Caregivers, Don’t Forget About YOU.

Autism Caregivers, Don’t Forget About YOU. Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex Over the years (not nearly enough years to fully understand it) as autism has been studied, it’s evolved from being thought of as a purely psychological condition, mostly affecting behavior and social interaction, to being recognized as a medical condition with several overlapping sets of problems. One of the newest sets of problems placed within the autism puzzle is this: toxins, along with the two bodily processes that those toxins will nearly universally create–chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.  The Methylation Component Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR, in case you’re new to our...

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3 Ways You Can Fit Quality Vitamin Supplements into Your Budget

3 Ways You Can Fit Quality Vitamin Supplements into Your Budget

3 Ways You Can Fit Quality Vitamin Supplements into Your Budget Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex f you search for “best drugstore multivitamins,” you’re going to get loads of results and a multitude of “best of” lists. Per bottle, those vitamins may range from around ~$50 down to about $10, so there are budget-friendly options for diverse incomes. That’s great. It really is. And those vitamins might BE great for some people.  What you’ll find, though, in many cases, is that the best drugstore vitamin supplements don’t always contain the most easily absorbed and processed ingredients. For individuals with conditions that...

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For School-Year Level Energy, Don’t Look in the Drink Cooler

For School-Year Level Energy, Don’t Look in the Drink Cooler Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex Americans are tired and busy. Want proof? Just look at the drinks next to every checkout line at the grocery store. The people who made those drinks and told the stock personnel where to shelve them know their market. And it’s a huge market. Consider these results of a National Safety Council survey conducted in 2017: “97 percent of Americans…have at least one of the leading nine risk factors for fatigue…working at night or early in the morning, working long shifts without regular work breaks, working...

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