Methyl-Life® Product Help Guide

Methylfolate only result 4.1

Our recommendation for you is below

Your Recommendation:

Your suggested daily methylfolate target might be around 1-15 mg of L-Methylfolate (we base this on Dr. Rawlins’ general recommendations & the wide range of symptoms collected here – as well as the irregularity of tolerance by persons in this category of symptoms and sensitivity) – 7.5-15 mg has been shown in clinical studies to increase serotonin levels (specifically for depression). If you have no MTHFR mutations and don’t tolerate higher doses, 1 mg may suffice. 

If you know you have an MTHFR mutation(s) and complicated symptoms, then more might be very helpful for you. If you’re in need of serotonin level boosting for mood or IBS, then 5-15 mg might be a better target, again as/if you tolerate it. Some folks respond quickly – within weeks and others may take a full 4 months before they respond favorably to the therapeutic methylfolate dosing. 

Download and follow our FREE step-by-step Sensitive Methylation Protocol which lists specific products and dosages. Start very low with your initial dose and increase VERY SLOWLY (only if you tolerate it) until you get to your mg goal or the amount you best tolerate. Not everyone can tolerate these higher level therapeutic doses of methylfolate. You may only be able to take 1/2 of the suggested dosage level, but that may be just right for you personally. Listen to your body as you adjust dosing!   

CAVEAT: It’s very important that you do not take methylfolate without also taking an active form of B12 with it, otherwise you could mask a B12 deficiency issue and incur other complications. Methyl-Life™ has many product combinations which cover both of these key nutrients (and you'll find them on your FREE Methylation Protocol sheet).

Click to determine what form of B12 is best for you personally to take.

POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS:  Lastly, please review our dosage page/video for more information on dosing with methylfolate and its potential side effects.

Purest Active L-Methylfolate 2.5 mg - front bottle - 90 ct chewables - Methyl-Life



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