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Resources to Support Your MTHFR Health Needs

Resources to Support Your MTHFR Health Needs

Resources to Support Your MTHFR Health Needs

If you’ve just received an MTHFR diagnosis or you are discovering that you are experiencing symptoms of MTHFR gene defects, it can be overwhelming. So, it’s helpful to know that you are not alone. Here at Methyl-Life, we’ve compiled a list of helpful doctors, videos, forums, and books that we’ve found helpful… just a bit of an introduction to a community of folks who are there to help you navigate your MTHFR health needs.

Need a practitioner who knows about MTHFR? We haven't used these sites personally so can't vouch for the validity, but we know they exist to help people find someone near them who knows about MTHFR challenges. Check them out if you're having trouble finding a knowledgeable doctor, but as with everything important to you, do your research, don't just assume they know what they're doing because their name is on a list or that these sites are being kept up to date:

Dr. Rawlins

Dr. Neil Rawlins, MD currently practices medicine at Kadlec Clinic in Richland, WA

For more information click here

Dr. Amy Yasko

Dr Amy Yasko Ph.D., NHD, AMD, HHP, FAAIM is a well-recognized expert in molecular biology in the field of DNA/RNA based diagnostics and therapeutics, and has been a consultant to the medical and research community for over eighteen years.

For more information click here

Dr. Ben

Dr. Ben Lynch is a Naturopathic Doctor in Washington state who researches and lectures on methylation.

To find a doctor who is MTHFR-knowledgeable in your area click here



Dangers of folic acid

Discussion Forums

Participate in conversations with others who have similar mutation challenges.

Pat Robinson’s Blog

One person’s blog on MTHFR and its support options.

Methyl Cycle Genomics

Learn about the Methylation Cycle and how to incorporate the science of genomics into a supporting program that’s helpful for you. 

New to Methyl-Life and/or MTHFR?

We also have plenty of helpful information right here to help you start your health journey.

  • What is MTHFR? 
  • Treating MTHFR 
  •  MTHFR Testing
    Written By,
    - Jamie Hope



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