Physical Signs and Symptoms of Methylation Problems

Physical Signs and Symptoms of Methylation Problems

Methylation might sound like a complicated word, but it’s actually an easy and common process occurring in your body happening constantly. It involves adding a methyl group -- one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms -- to a chemical compound, giving it the power it needs to be utilized by the body. It’s an essential process that our bodies can’t do without.

To dig a little deeper into the topic, the methyl group is provided by a donor known as S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe). The donor will only do its job effectively if the body is producing methylfolate, which acts as a switch for the system that makes SAMe available.

Due to our busy lifestyles and poor eating habits, it’s quite common to experience complications with the methylation process. When your body isn’t properly adding these methyl groups to the nutrients you consume, there’s a good chance those nutrients hold no use to the body.

Signs and Symptoms of Methylation

If your body isn’t producing methylfolate or isn’t producing enough of it, then you’ll experience methylation problems. Without methylation, your body will struggle to produce essential molecules, including Glutathione, Coenzyme Q10, Melatonin, Serotonin, Nitric Oxide, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, L-Carnitine, Cysteine, and Taurine.

These molecules all play important roles in the daily functions of your body. Without them, you will experience various signs and symptoms that your body is struggling with methylation. Let’s take a look at some of those common symptoms:

  1. Fatigue, insomnia, and depression
  2. Addictions, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and delusions
  3. Allergies, headaches, and digestive concerns
  4. Low tolerance for pain, high libido, and lack of motivation

In addition to the symptoms above, methylation problems have also been linked to various diseases and disorders like Immunodeficiency, centromeric, instability and facial dysmorphism (ICF) syndrome, Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), and Rett Syndrome.

The Good News Is There’s Help!

A struggling methylation process can be damaging to the body, but there are multiple ways you can help restore your body’s functions. 

If you’re looking for a natural way of improving methylation in the body, healthy food will always be the best source. Spinach, asparagus, rice, legumes, dark leafy greens, avocado, and brussels sprouts are some excellent choices -- notice the green!

You could also make some lifestyle changes that will have a positive effect on methylation. Exercise, avoiding alcohol, avoiding smoke, and limiting coffee intake are great places to start. 

Lastly, you could seek the help of supplementation. Methylfolate, Active B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Betaine (or TMG - Trimethylglycine) have all shown to be beneficial. Better yet, Methyl-Life offers supplements that fall in line with what’s listed here!

If you’d like to take a look at our methylfolate supplements, we offer them by itself or with added nutrients. Whether it’s methylfolate with Vitamin B12, methylfolate with Magnesium, or methylfolate combined with an entire multivitamin, we’ve got it all - and the purest methylfolate to boot!

Contact us today to view our full line of products! If you have any questions, our wonderful team of professionals will be standing by to assist you!



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