What are the best dosage amounts of Methylfolate and Methylcobalamin to take?

What are the best dosage amounts of Methylfolate and Methylcobalamin to take? Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex It is recommended that you should take an advice from a physician, or a doctor regarding the dosage quantity for yourself. The quantity of dosage differs, depending upon the degree of the MTHFR. People, those are sensitive to drugs, vitamins and supplements; should take care, and perform the research. According to the Methyl-Life team, you should start slow, with a small quantity. Still, take the feedback from your doctor regarding the dosages, if your blood test comes out to be positive in relation to...

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Tell me more about the ingredients in Methyl-Life Complete

Tell me more about the ingredients in Methyl-Life® Complete Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex Listed in order of importance to the body’s methylation process and the MTHFR gene mutant’s need: Folate [B-9] (as 5-Methylfolate) – This is the bioactive form of the primary enzyme needed for methylation, especially if you have an MTHFR mutation. It by-passes vitamin processing pathways because it is the already- converted form of the vitamin element. So your body can immediately use it. It is often recommended in daily doses of 3,000-15,000 mcg (3-15 mg) for individuals with an MTHFR defect. B-12 (as Methylcobalamin)– This is the...

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To test or not to test – how do I get tested for the MTHFR defects?

To test or not to test – how do I get tested for the MTHFR defects? Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex Ask your doctor, if he or she will do a simple blood test for you (there are also cheek swab tests available through a lab in Kentucky, have your doctor fill out their form and process the test through them if you have a child and it would be easier than a blood test – It’s entirely possible your doctor may not know much about the MTHFR gene mutations and that you’ll have to do a little educating. In...

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Methyl-Life Manufacturing Process

Methyl-Life Manufacturing Process

Methyl-Life® Manufacturing Process Browse Categories B-12 COVID-19 Deficiencies  Fertility / Pregnancy / Women's Health  Health Issues  Kid's Health Mental Health  Methylfolate Facts  MTHFR Genetics  News  Resources  Staying Healthy  Super-B-Complex Here at Methyl-Life, we are proud of the superior quality of our ingredients and our process. After all, we were born from the desire of our founder, Jamie Horn, to make products that she would want to take herself as part of her own MTHFR treatment plan! Our products are pure. That means no junk, no fillers. Never. So we have a rigorous manufacturing process to ensure that each supplement we produce is a product that meets our standards. A Methyl-Life® product’s life journey begins here. 1. Ingredient Research Methyl-Life looks to find...

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