Tell me more about the ingredients in Methyl-Life® Complete

Listed in order of importance to the body’s methylation process and the MTHFR gene mutant’s need:

Folate [B-9] (as 5-Methylfolate) – This is the bioactive form of the primary enzyme needed for methylation,

especially if you have an MTHFR mutation. It by-passes vitamin processing pathways because it is the already-

converted form of the vitamin element. So your body can immediately use it. It is often recommended in daily doses of 3,000-15,000 mcg (3-15 mg) for individuals with an MTHFR defect.

B-12 (as Methylcobalamin)– This is the key form of B-12 needed by someone with an MTHFR gene defect – most often B-12 is found in the form ‘Cobalamin’ which requires additional conversions. For the body’s direct use, the methylated form of B-12 is best absorbed in the mouth’s mucous membranes (sublingual or lozenge form is best).

It’s important to note that taking L-Methylfolate (L-5-MTHF) without B-12 puts one at risk for masking a B-12

deficiency. To avoid this, just take 3,000-15,000 mcg (3-15 mg) of B-12 (Methylcobalamin) daily with your

L-Methylfolate or 5-MTHF (besides, it’s a great energy lift).

B-6 (as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) – This is another key piece to supporting the larger methylation process that is so inhibited in an individual who has a MTHFR gene mutation. Think of it as an important enabler of the larger methylation cycle. Note: In a small percentage of individuals, this vitamin can build up and cause a headache that feels like a tight band has been stuck on the head. It’s often recommended in daily doses between 20-35 mg to help methylation.

B-2 (as Riboflavin-5-Phosphate) – This vitamin’s need is being uncovered in studies regarding MTHFR, homocysteine,

and cardiovascular health. High homocysteine levels have often been directly correlated with low B-2 (Riboflavin)

levels (along with cardiovascular problems) in people with an MTHFR gene defect. So let’s just avoid this cardiovascular risk altogether and take B-2 every day with our L-5-MTHF supplement.

Also Read: A Suggested Methylation Protocol

B-1 (as Thiamine HCI) – This is classified as one of the essential B vitamins and therefore included to provide a complete B experience within Methyl-Life (so you don’t have to buy another B vitamin supplement in addition to your folate/methylation support).

B-3 (Niacinamide) – This is classified as one of the essential B vitamins and therefore included to provide a complete B experience within Methyl-Life (so you don’t have to buy another B vitamin supplement in addition to 

your folate/methylation support).

Biotin – This is classified as one of the essential B vitamins and therefore included to provide a complete B experience within Methyl-Life (so you don’t have to buy another B vitamin supplement in addition to your 

folate/methylation support)

B-5 (D-calcium pantothenate)– This is classified as one of the essential B vitamins and therefore included to provide a complete B experience within Methyl-Life (so you don’t have to buy another B vitamin supplement in 

addition to your folate/methylation support).

Inositol, PABA & Choline– All three of these ingredients are no longer considered part of the ‘essential’ B vitamins, though they once were considered members of the B complex. They are now considered cofactors of the B vitamins and support various functions in the body (these are the perfect complement to the B vitamins).



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