Get Methyl-Life’s® MTHFR Supplement bundle with 3 specialized products, a methylfolate supplement, B12 Chewable tablets as well as a multivitamin with supporting cofactor nutrients!
This comprehensive starting package contains the bioactive nutrients:
- Rare but most well-tolerated form of B12 Chewable (as Hydroxy B12)
- The purest Methylfolate Supplement (as shown in a recent study)
- The optimal MTHFR-supporting multivitamin
Check out the details below regarding each specific product included in the bundle using the links below:
Methylfolate Supplement - Purest + most stable Methylfolate Supplement (2.5 mg) you can buy
B12 Chewable - Active form Hydroxy B12 at 2.5 mg per tablet
Methylated Multivitamin - Methylation-supporting MTHFR Supplement + Cognitive and Energy-promoting nutrients for full-spectrum absorption
WARNING – How much is right for you to take? Talk to your doctor about what’s best for you. Before you purchase check out our dosage information to learn more about what some doctors recommend. And review our suggested methylation protocol as a potential step by step guide to some dosing options.
How to snap the tablet in half – See how its done via video. First find the half hash line and face it away from yourself (with the back of the tablet facing your chest/stomach), then put both of your thumbs next to each other along the line (as if there were one on the back of the tablet). You want the half hash line facing away from you (not on the side of the tablet where your thumbs are). And then you should be able to break it in half along that line every time by simply applying pressure to snap it outwards, by pushing your thumbs away from you. This approach works far better than using a pill cutter, which seems to cause the tablet to crumble much more.
What is the right dosage for me?
Check out our Dosage page to learn what some doctors are saying. And consider reviewing our Methylation Protocol page as one example of how someone could start taking the active methylation nutrients.
Are Methylfolate Supplements the only thing I should take if I have an MTHFR gene mutation?
No, actually our recommendation is to heavily consider following Dr. Neil Rawlins’ full supplement protocol. You can learn more about his protocol by watching parts 3 & 4 of his video seminar.You can also download one of four specific Methylation Protocols which guide you through the beginning nutrients to start. We recommend starting low and slowly titrating up to a dose that works well for you long term.
You'll find our MTHFR Newbies page is very helpful as well. It's got some great tips for folks who haven't done much study on what to do if you have an MTHFR variant.
What do doctors have to say about MTHFR and how to treat it?
Go to A Doctor Explains and listen to Dr. Neil Rawlins’ seminar on MTHFR and the effects of Methylfolate Supplements.
How can I get more information on MTHFR?
check out our Help for MTHFR Newbies page.
Is L-Methylfolate and (6S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, Calcium the same thing?
Basically, yes. In the chemistry world, L stands for the “Left” isomer, which is the same as the “(6S)” isomer – the terms are synonyms (and this naming convention is used interchangeably by various companies in the industry). In the case of methylfolate supplements, that L or (6S) isomer is the active isomer of 5-MTHF that the body can actually use. To learn more about the different types of methylfolate, its history, potency levels and stability details, and to see how our Methylfolate Supplements prove to be the purest on the planet, visit our Methylfolate Types page.
What if my blood serum B12 level test comes back as high, does that mean I don’t need a B12 chewable?
The most important thing to realize is that blood tests for B12 are highly inaccurate at detecting actual cellular levels of B12 (meaning the B12 that’s available for the cells to use). Studies have shown that people can have high or normal B12 levels in the blood and actually show virtually no B12 in the spinal fluid, meaning the B12 is not being transported from the blood stream into the cells where it should be absorbed and used.
What can you do if you have high B12 blood test results? Dr. Amy Yasko and Nutritionist Cynthia Smith both suggest you can consider taking low dose lithium orotate (Cynthia Smith suggests approximately 4.6 mg pulsed a couple times a week before adding the B12 chewable form in that’s most likely best for you).
What does sublingual mean and why isn’t your product labeled as “sublingual”?
It’s a well-known fact that B12 does not absorb well through the gut, so taking B12 sublingual or via mouth absorption is best (holding it under the tongue or between the gums and cheek is most common). Consider some form of liquid or tablet/lozenge that can be sucked on or dissolved in the mouth. Holding the B12 chewable in your mouth for at least 90 seconds is good and the longer you can leave it in your mouth, the better for sublingual absorption (as opposed to gut absorption).Note: different manufacturers use different terms for tablets that are meant to dissolve sublingually in the mouth, but “sublingual” is considered a pharmaceutical term by the FDA, so dietary supplements are moving away from using that term. However, it doesn’t really matter what term you use (chewable tablet, lozenge, sublingual tablet, liquid, etc.) for maximum absorption the main idea is to hold it in your mouth for 90 seconds or more if you can (if you forget, don’t worry, since you’re taking the active form, your body will still get some benefit even if you swallow it whole).
Another way to absorb B12 is muscularly through shots, however, the research tells us that sublingual (or mouth) absorption is equally as effective as muscular absorption … and shots may cost significantly more money. Be aware with shots (many doctors still give cyanocobalamin shots) that although you may need higher doses of active B12s (like myself), you may not do well when given higher doses of cyanocobalamin in a shot because your body may not be able to do the conversions and you could have negative side effects.
My doctor said that because I have MTHFR, I should be taking methylcobalamin as my B12 Chewable form, why are you suggesting these other forms too?
One of the most common other nutrients to consider when supplementing the methylation cycle is the proper form of B12. There are 3 different types of B12 that are considered very beneficial to the body (Hydroxy B12, methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin). Many automatically think that if you have an MTHFR defect, then you need the form of B12 called methylcobalamin, but that is simply NOT true.
It’s important to realize that the MTHFR status does not necessarily determine the type of B12 Chewable that’s best for you, instead it’s the status of genes like COMT, MTR, MTRR as well as VDR Taq. It is true that methylfolate supplements and methylcobalamin work together synergistically along the methylation cycle pathway, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that if you tolerate methylfolate supplements well you’ll also need, want or tolerate methylcobalamin well (even if that’s what most doctors, nutritionists, etc. are currently saying right now).
It seems there may be a general lack of education available to most doctors about the different forms of B12 and what those forms are as well as how they get converted within the body and what each is most beneficial for (not to mention which set of genes or genetic mutations could benefit most from which B12 chewable type). So do your homework when it comes to your B12 Chewable to see which you may tolerate best.
The most common form of B12 Chewable that you’ll find everywhere is cyanocobalamin and it is not very active or beneficial to the body because the absorption rate is fairly low, that’s because the body has to convert it first into Hydroxy B12, and from there the Hydroxy B12 has to be converted into both adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. But if the body has genetic mutations then these conversions don’t happen well at all and the effect is the body does not get the absorption or use of the nutrient.
I have my 23andme test results, how can I use those to know which form of B12 I might best tolerate?
If you have your 23andme genetic test results, you can use those to help guide you as you try the specific B12 forms to see how they do for you. You’ll notice below that, according to Dr. Amy Yasko, the most well tolerated active form of B12 for folks seems to be Hydroxy B12. All of the genetic combinations she lists below should be able to tolerate B12 in the form of Hydroxy B12 (and this is why our methylation protocol suggests Hydroxy B12 as the B12 Chewable form to begin with):
- Folks with multiple COMT mutations tend to do very well with Hydroxy B12 (it helps mop up excess peroxynitrites which can cause problems)
- Folks with MTR & MTRR mutations may do well with methylcobalamin & adenosylcobalamin supplementation
- And Dr. Amy Yasko (https://dramyyasko.com) talks about folks with a particular mutation status for COMT & VDR Taq as best needing the below forms of B12:
COMT V158M VDR Taq B12 Types That Should Be Tolerated – – + + (TT) All 3 types of B12 – – + – (Tt) All 3 types of B12 with less Methylcobalamin – – – – (tt) Hydroxy B12 and Adenosylcobalamin + – + + All 3 types of B12 with less Methylcobalamin + – + – Hydroxy B12 and Adenosylcobalamin + – – – Hydroxy B12 and Adenosylcobalamin + + + + Hydroxy B12 and Adenosylcobalamin + + + – Hydroxy B12 and Adenosylcobalamin + + – – Mostly Hydroxy B12 -
MTHFR Supplement: Methylfolate + B12 Chewable Multivitamin
Get Methyl-Life’s® MTHFR Supplement bundle with 3 specialized products, a methylfolate supplement, B12 Chewable tablets as well as a multivitamin with supporting cofactor nutrients!
This comprehensive starting package contains the bioactive nutrients:
- Rare but most well-tolerated form of B12 Chewable (as Hydroxy B12)
- The purest Methylfolate Supplement (as shown in a recent study)
- The optimal MTHFR-supporting multivitamin
Check out the details below regarding each specific product included in the bundle using the links below:
Methylfolate Supplement - Purest + most stable Methylfolate Supplement (2.5 mg) you can buy
B12 Chewable - Active form Hydroxy B12 at 2.5 mg per tablet
Methylated Multivitamin - Methylation-supporting MTHFR Supplement + Cognitive and Energy-promoting nutrients for full-spectrum absorption
WARNING – How much is right for you to take? Talk to your doctor about what’s best for you. Before you purchase check out our dosage information to learn more about what some doctors recommend. And review our suggested methylation protocol as a potential step by step guide to some dosing options.
How to snap the tablet in half – See how its done via video. First find the half hash line and face it away from yourself (with the back of the tablet facing your chest/stomach), then put both of your thumbs next to each other along the line (as if there were one on the back of the tablet). You want the half hash line facing away from you (not on the side of the tablet where your thumbs are). And then you should be able to break it in half along that line every time by simply applying pressure to snap it outwards, by pushing your thumbs away from you. This approach works far better than using a pill cutter, which seems to cause the tablet to crumble much more.
What is the right dosage for me?
Check out our Dosage page to learn what some doctors are saying. And consider reviewing our Methylation Protocol page as one example of how someone could start taking the active methylation nutrients.
Are Methylfolate Supplements the only thing I should take if I have an MTHFR gene mutation?
No, actually our recommendation is to heavily consider following Dr. Neil Rawlins’ full supplement protocol. You can learn more about his protocol by watching parts 3 & 4 of his video seminar.You can also download one of four specific Methylation Protocols which guide you through the beginning nutrients to start. We recommend starting low and slowly titrating up to a dose that works well for you long term.
You'll find our MTHFR Newbies page is very helpful as well. It's got some great tips for folks who haven't done much study on what to do if you have an MTHFR variant.
What do doctors have to say about MTHFR and how to treat it?
Go to A Doctor Explains and listen to Dr. Neil Rawlins’ seminar on MTHFR and the effects of Methylfolate Supplements.
How can I get more information on MTHFR?
check out our Help for MTHFR Newbies page.
Is L-Methylfolate and (6S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, Calcium the same thing?
Basically, yes. In the chemistry world, L stands for the “Left” isomer, which is the same as the “(6S)” isomer – the terms are synonyms (and this naming convention is used interchangeably by various companies in the industry). In the case of methylfolate supplements, that L or (6S) isomer is the active isomer of 5-MTHF that the body can actually use. To learn more about the different types of methylfolate, its history, potency levels and stability details, and to see how our Methylfolate Supplements prove to be the purest on the planet, visit our Methylfolate Types page.
What if my blood serum B12 level test comes back as high, does that mean I don’t need a B12 chewable?
The most important thing to realize is that blood tests for B12 are highly inaccurate at detecting actual cellular levels of B12 (meaning the B12 that’s available for the cells to use). Studies have shown that people can have high or normal B12 levels in the blood and actually show virtually no B12 in the spinal fluid, meaning the B12 is not being transported from the blood stream into the cells where it should be absorbed and used.
What can you do if you have high B12 blood test results? Dr. Amy Yasko and Nutritionist Cynthia Smith both suggest you can consider taking low dose lithium orotate (Cynthia Smith suggests approximately 4.6 mg pulsed a couple times a week before adding the B12 chewable form in that’s most likely best for you).
What does sublingual mean and why isn’t your product labeled as “sublingual”?
It’s a well-known fact that B12 does not absorb well through the gut, so taking B12 sublingual or via mouth absorption is best (holding it under the tongue or between the gums and cheek is most common). Consider some form of liquid or tablet/lozenge that can be sucked on or dissolved in the mouth. Holding the B12 chewable in your mouth for at least 90 seconds is good and the longer you can leave it in your mouth, the better for sublingual absorption (as opposed to gut absorption).Note: different manufacturers use different terms for tablets that are meant to dissolve sublingually in the mouth, but “sublingual” is considered a pharmaceutical term by the FDA, so dietary supplements are moving away from using that term. However, it doesn’t really matter what term you use (chewable tablet, lozenge, sublingual tablet, liquid, etc.) for maximum absorption the main idea is to hold it in your mouth for 90 seconds or more if you can (if you forget, don’t worry, since you’re taking the active form, your body will still get some benefit even if you swallow it whole).
Another way to absorb B12 is muscularly through shots, however, the research tells us that sublingual (or mouth) absorption is equally as effective as muscular absorption … and shots may cost significantly more money. Be aware with shots (many doctors still give cyanocobalamin shots) that although you may need higher doses of active B12s (like myself), you may not do well when given higher doses of cyanocobalamin in a shot because your body may not be able to do the conversions and you could have negative side effects.
My doctor said that because I have MTHFR, I should be taking methylcobalamin as my B12 Chewable form, why are you suggesting these other forms too?
One of the most common other nutrients to consider when supplementing the methylation cycle is the proper form of B12. There are 3 different types of B12 that are considered very beneficial to the body (Hydroxy B12, methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin). Many automatically think that if you have an MTHFR defect, then you need the form of B12 called methylcobalamin, but that is simply NOT true.
It’s important to realize that the MTHFR status does not necessarily determine the type of B12 Chewable that’s best for you, instead it’s the status of genes like COMT, MTR, MTRR as well as VDR Taq. It is true that methylfolate supplements and methylcobalamin work together synergistically along the methylation cycle pathway, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that if you tolerate methylfolate supplements well you’ll also need, want or tolerate methylcobalamin well (even if that’s what most doctors, nutritionists, etc. are currently saying right now).
It seems there may be a general lack of education available to most doctors about the different forms of B12 and what those forms are as well as how they get converted within the body and what each is most beneficial for (not to mention which set of genes or genetic mutations could benefit most from which B12 chewable type). So do your homework when it comes to your B12 Chewable to see which you may tolerate best.
The most common form of B12 Chewable that you’ll find everywhere is cyanocobalamin and it is not very active or beneficial to the body because the absorption rate is fairly low, that’s because the body has to convert it first into Hydroxy B12, and from there the Hydroxy B12 has to be converted into both adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. But if the body has genetic mutations then these conversions don’t happen well at all and the effect is the body does not get the absorption or use of the nutrient.
I have my 23andme test results, how can I use those to know which form of B12 I might best tolerate?
If you have your 23andme genetic test results, you can use those to help guide you as you try the specific B12 forms to see how they do for you. You’ll notice below that, according to Dr. Amy Yasko, the most well tolerated active form of B12 for folks seems to be Hydroxy B12. All of the genetic combinations she lists below should be able to tolerate B12 in the form of Hydroxy B12 (and this is why our methylation protocol suggests Hydroxy B12 as the B12 Chewable form to begin with):
- Folks with multiple COMT mutations tend to do very well with Hydroxy B12 (it helps mop up excess peroxynitrites which can cause problems)
- Folks with MTR & MTRR mutations may do well with methylcobalamin & adenosylcobalamin supplementation
- And Dr. Amy Yasko (https://dramyyasko.com) talks about folks with a particular mutation status for COMT & VDR Taq as best needing the below forms of B12:
COMT V158M VDR Taq B12 Types That Should Be Tolerated – – + + (TT) All 3 types of B12 – – + – (Tt) All 3 types of B12 with less Methylcobalamin – – – – (tt) Hydroxy B12 and Adenosylcobalamin + – + + All 3 types of B12 with less Methylcobalamin + – + – Hydroxy B12 and Adenosylcobalamin + – – – Hydroxy B12 and Adenosylcobalamin + + + + Hydroxy B12 and Adenosylcobalamin + + + – Hydroxy B12 and Adenosylcobalamin + + – – Mostly Hydroxy B12 -