Methyl-Life® Product Help Guide

Decrease Fatigue

Don't know which supplement is best for you? Select the option that best suits you, and we will help you pick a product!   

Fatigue is something we all face ...

but some of us have more genetic complications that cause tiredness to become so extreme we cannot fully function throughout a normal day. There are usually many reasons why this fatigue gets so debilitating and I will NOT pretend like it’s easy to solve with one or two magic bullets – because as the founder of Methyl-Life™ I have suffered from it myself and understand its extreme complexities. 

However, I will say that I think being able to tap into the right nutrients that may be missing from your daily intake (because of diet, genetics, medications, environment, malabsorption, disease states or other reasons) can significantly help the fatigue factor. I believe some of the most powerful nutrients for managing fatigue are:

Active B12 as hydroxocobalamin– this is typically most well tolerated by all genetic mutations. As little as 500 mcg might be noticeable by some and as much as 5-10 mg might be required by others to get the boost they need. Check out more about what form of B12 might be best for you to take here.

L-Methylfolate – if you have a heavy toxic burden (i.e. metals, environmental toxins, molds, parasites, viruses, etc.), you will find this helpful, but you will probably need to start very low with your initial dosage and increase very slowly so as not to overwhelm your system with the detoxification process. I find that many start to feel better energy with as little as 2.5 mg and for some they need closer to 7.5 mg or more before they’re feeling more energetic (this is typically a personal determination that comes through experimenting with dosage levels and how you’re feeling based on those specific amounts and changes). Learn more about methylfolate dosage here.

NADH + CoQ10 – this is a powerful combination that’s been studied and shown to be very effective for folks with Chronic Fatigue (NADH is a unique form of B3 that really helps the mitochondria), so check it out if you’re interested in learning more.

MitoQ – again this one is a mitochondria feeder helping you create ATP and therefore more energy as well as a powerful antioxidant for organ health. When you exercise, this one also helps greatly with muscle recovery. Lots of research behind this nutrient’s effectiveness.

Adrenal Cortex – this is often something to consider as a lot of the time thyroid can be tied up in fatigue and behind it often sit the forgotten adrenals. It can certainly be helpful to supplement with this if fatigue is one your enemies.

Now let’s determine the specific methylation protocol and nutrient combination you’ll want to consider.

Do you deal with central nervous system symptoms? – I suffer from things like: migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, brain fog, IBS, cerebral folate deficiency, ADD/ADHD, focus challenges, anxiety, etc. I don’t know if I’m depressed or not [I have never been formally diagnosed, but I don’t feel as happy as other people seem to be overall]. I have rarer symptoms that seem to stump the doctors and make me more of a ‘special’ medical case).  

If your answer is yes to any of the above, click the button below to see your personal recommendation.

Purest Active L-Methylfolate 2.5 mg - front bottle - 90 ct chewables - Methyl-Life



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