Is Methylfolate Safe for Children?

Is Methylfolate Safe for Children?

Children's health can be complex, particularly when it comes to dietary supplements.  While most nutrients should be obtained from the diet during childhood years, some may need to be supplemented. 

Methylfolateis essential for growing bodies. It's the bioavailable form of folate that the body can utilize immediately without further conversion. Methylfolate plays a vital role in DNA synthesis, repair, and normal cellular function— all of which contribute to healthy child development.

If you're a parent or caregiver, it's important to make informed decisions about your child's supplementation needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Methylfolate is the bioavailable form of folate that the body can use without needing to convert first. It plays a key role in DNA synthesis and cell function.

  • The recommended amount of L-Methylfolate for an 8-year-old ranges from 200 to 400 micrograms per day, but speaking to a health practitioner is highly recommended before supplementing. Dosage may be based on diet, health conditions, or other medications.

  • Children with MTHFR mutations may benefit from methylfolate since it doesn't require enzymatic conversion and directly provides the active form of folate necessary for cellular functions.

  • High-quality methylfolate supplements are available from reputable sources. It's important to seek products tested for purity and follow advice from healthcare professionals regarding safety and proper dosage.

What Are the Safety Considerations When Using Methylfolate for Children?

Safety is paramount when giving any supplement to children, and methylfolate is no exception. Consultation with a doctor is highly recommended.

Every child's body responds differently to supplements and will require close monitoring by healthcare professionals to ensure there are no adverse effects.

Parents should be aware that while low doses of L-methylfolate may benefit children's folate status and overall health, high doses can have unwanted consequences.  It's also important to note that certain genetic variations in children could influence how their bodies process other forms of vitamin B9 such as folic acid, which can be problematic for those with the MTHFR mutation.

How Much of L-Methylfolate is Safe for Children?

Determining the safe dosage of L methylfolate for children depends largely on age. Younger children require less methylfolate compared to older ones. It's essential to follow age-appropriate guidelines when administering this supplement.

For infants, the recommended amount is usually quite low.  Although dosage can increase with age, it should always be within the maximum safe limit for each age group. 

  • Infants (0-6 months): 65 micrograms/day
  • Babies (7-12 months): 80 micrograms/day
  • Toddlers (1-3 years): 150 micrograms/day
  • Children (4-8 years): 200 micrograms/day
  • Pre-teens (9–13 years): 300 micrograms/day

Body weight also plays a significant role in determining how much methylfolate a child should take. Health professionals can provide personalized advice based on body weight and nutritional needs. 

The upper limits are set to prevent potential side effects from excessive intake.

Children aged 1–3 years: Not exceeding 300 micrograms daily. 4–8 years: Maximum of 400 micrograms per day. 9–13 years: Up to 600 micrograms daily. 14–18 years: No more than 800 micrograms each day.

What Are the Potential Benefits of Methylfolate for Kids?

Methylfolate may offer numerous health benefits, especially in kids with low folate levels, which can lead to anemia.

Folate is essential for the synthesis of DNA and RNA, cell division, and supporting growth and development. It's invovled in helping the body to produce healthy red blood cells and acts as a methyl donor in the biochemical reaction that converts homocysteine to methionine. 

As the active form of Vitamin B9, methylfolate avoids the complex conversion process that folic acid requires, making it immediately available for bodily functions.

Folate plays a role in a child's cardiovascular health by regulating homocysteine levels. Homocystiene is an amino acid linked with heart concerns when found in high amounts. Additionally, a methylfolate supplement can support cognitive function and mood regulation by facilitating the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine within the brain.

How Much Methylfolate for an 8-year-old?

The recommended dosage of L-methylfolate supplement for an 8-year-old typically ranges between 200 to 400 micrograms per day, according to healthcare professionals. This dosage is considered safe and beneficial for supporting the child's health and well-being.

Ideally, children aged 4-8 should get about 200 mcg of methylfolate daily. However, it's important to consult with a pediatrician before giving any supplements to children, as individual needs can vary based on factors such as diet, health conditions, or other medications being taken.

How to Determine the Appropriate Dosage of Methylfolate for Children?

Blood tests are recommended for measuring folate levels in the body.  Supplementation may be necessary if a blood test shows low folate levels.

Genetic differences also affect how much methylfolate children should take. Some kids have genetic variations that change how their bodies use folate. A doctor can do a simple test to check for genetic variants. 

The dose of L methylfolate supplement must also take a child's diet into consideration. As a general rule, children should obtain most of their nutritional support from eating a balance diet. 

  • Blood tests help set the right dose.
  • Genetics plays a role in determining dosage.
  • Diet influences how much supplement is needed.

Why Is Methylfolate Considered Safe for Children with MTHFR Mutations?

L-Methylfolate is deemed safe for children with MTHFR mutations because it bypasses the compromised MTHFR enzyme and directly provides the active form of folate. This ensures that children with genetic variations in the MTHFR gene can efficiently utilize folate for vital cellular functions such as DNA synthesis and repair, supporting healthy growth and development.

Methylfolate supplementation offers a safe alternative for children by addressing potential folate deficiency. If diet is insufficient, supplemenation may play a part in ensuring adequate folate levels.

How do You Monitor and Adjust L-Methylfolate for Children?

To monitor and adjust L-Methylfolate for children, follow these steps:

  1. Regular Consultations: Schedule regular check-ups with a doctor to monitor the child's response to L-Methylfolate.
  2. Physician Guidance: Work closely with the child's doctor or pharmacist to determine the appropriate dosage based on the child's medical condition and response to treatment.
  3. Diet Management: Ensure that the child follows a diet plan recommended by a doctor or dietician while taking L-Methylfolate.
  4. Dosage Adjustment: Under the guidance of a healthcare professional, adjust the dosage as needed based on any changes in the child's condition or response to treatment.

Where to Purchase High-Quality Methylfolate Supplements for Kids?

As with adults, children will benefit most from high-quality supplements from reputable health and wellness stores, pharmacies, and online retailers.

It's important to look for brands with a strong reputation for producing safe, effective, and reliable products.

When searching for Methylfolate supplements for kids, consider well-established brands that explicitly state the purity of their ingredients and have good manufacturing practices.

Check that product has undergone rigorous testing to meet quality standards. Reading customer reviews can also provide insight into the effectiveness and tolerability of the supplement.

One reliable online option is Methyl Life. Methyl Life specializes in providing an array of bioactive and highly absorbable methylfolate supplements tailored to meet the needs of individuals with specific genetic mutations like MTHFR and those looking to support their overall health.

Methyl Life offer  selection of methylfolate products designed for children's unique nutritional requirements. Our website also offers detailed product descriptions and ingredient lists so that parents and caregivers can be sure they are choosing a high-quality product.


If your child requires supplementation of any form, safety considerations are crucial. The appropriate dosage of L-Methylfolate should be determined based on individual medical conditions and regularly monitored.

Professional guidance and continued learning about Methylfolate safety for children is available on the Methyl-Life website.


Can children safely take methylfolate supplements?

Yes, with a doctor's guidance, methylfolate can be safe and beneficial for children, especially if they have nutritional deficiencies or genetic issues affecting folic acid conversion.

Does taking methylfolate help with birth defects?

Taking L-methylfolate before and during pregnancy helps prevent birth defects related to the brain and spine since it plays a key role in fetal development.

How do I choose the right type of folate supplement for my child?

Look out for quality products containing L-methylfolate—the only form of folate that crosses the blood-brain barrier—and avoid types not easily utilized by the human body. 









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